On the Grump Grumble Tour several teachers bought a copy of Edward And The Christmas Grumps and promised to consider using it as a class reading project prior to Christmas.
So, if you’re a teacher and contemplating doing the same, you may find the following guide helpful. It outlines the main themes explored in the story. As well as being a fun, action-packed adventure, the tale demonstrates:
- Christmas can be a challenging and emotional time for many adults, families and children.
- Bullying is a harmful and destructive behaviour.
- Parents/guardians can make mistakes too.
- Inclusivity and diversity. One of main characters is of mixed heritage and another uses a wheelchair. The tale emphasises how we are each differently able, but equally valued.
- The positive power of teamwork.
- Being resilient, learning from mistakes and never giving up.
- Forgiveness, trust and bravery.
I care deeply about the virtues integral to the story. I’m a former senior executive in the Civil Service and worked at the Department for Education and the Home Office. Please contact me if you would like to discuss further.
Thank you,