Skiers and snowboarders in Sochi, Russia were treated with orange-tinted snow at the weekend. The mysterious orange snow also hit other parts of Eastern Europe, transforming mountainous regions to an alien landscape.

Scientists say the highly unusual sight was caused by an enormous sand storm that blew up from the Sahara desert. The sandstorm made its way up through Greece to Russia and was so big it could be seen via NASA satellite imagery. The Athens observatory said that this was one of the largest transfers of desert sand to Greece from the Sahara ever.
It’s strange how ‘experts’ are always quick to come up with an explanation for events we haven’t seen before, particularly as reports are saying that the snow was heavy with iron oxide. Perhaps we ought not be so quick to demystify things. In The Earth Emperor’s Eye the colour orange is significant on the spring and summer equinoxes and the storm that led to this bizarre spectacle began around the time of the spring equinox. Russia is also significant because its home to Siberia and the Samoyed tribe and dogs. Is this a final warning from Malachi?