‘All Eyes on You’ – Climate Activists held a novel COP26 demonstration at Glasgow Station today. Members of the climate activism group Extinction Rebellion in Glasgow wore giant ‘eyes’ and conveyed a message to world leaders attending the COP26 summit in the Scottish city that the “the world’s eyes” were watching them.

The demonstration in Glasgow Central Station involved “three pairs of eyes each over a metre across” with “moving pupils to follow the delegates as they walked to board their train,” Extinction Rebellion said in a Press Release. Extinction Rebellion said the ‘eyes’ would follow major COP26 attendees throughout the week.
Extinction Rebellion members have also taken to drawing and eye and an hourglass on the palms of their hands.

These are startling coincidence to events in The Earth Emperor’s Eye, because of the glaringly obvious connection between the demonstration and the I-Spy behaviour of the Earth Emperor in the tale. The symbolism of the palm and an hourglass also features heavily in the tale. The ‘world’s eyes’ are well and truly keeping a watch of our activities.