For the second time in as many weeks, the Beast from the East has struck Britain and much of Europe bringing heavy snowfall and prolonged freezing temperatures. Siberian winds clashed with Storm Emma to bring chaos to the UK and put spring on hold for a while, disrupting everyday modern life.
The Beast from the East was also the nickname of the Russian boxer, Nikolai Valuev. He is best known as the heaviest and tallest world champion in boxing history. In November 2009 Valuev fought British champion David Hayemaker and lost. Perhaps the Beast from the East is another nod to the power of the Haymakers Survey?
The timing of the unexpected double cold snap may well have another bizarre twist, because the author of The Emperor’s Eye has recently completed a dazzling new story ‘Edward And The Christmas Grumps‘. It’s an uplifting children’s tale of a magical Advent calendar set in Santarctica. Perhaps the snow across the UK is a celebration of the new story and a pointer to publishing agents? Well a dreamer, can dream!